The primary responsibility for the Quality Assurance of KCETB provision lies with KCETB. KCETB is therefore responsible for operating, monitoring and reviewing its quality assurance arrangements on an ongoing basis.

The quality cycle also includes an external dimension in the form of a monitoring and periodic review by QQI. The first such review of ETB Quality assurance procedures is due to take place on a scheduled basis across the sector in 2020-2022 (known as the Inaugural review of Quality Assurance in ETBs).

This external review is a core element of the broader quality cycle for ETBs, providing an external dimension to internal quality assurance and review activity. The external review process provides an opportunity for each ETB to evaluate and reflect on the effectiveness of its quality assurance system and provides an opportunity for an external team of peer reviewers to reflect on the effectiveness of the ETB’s quality assurance. It also offers assurance to learners and the public that the learning experience within the ETB is being monitored for good practice and that it has effective arrangements in place for the quality assurance of its services.

The Terms of Reference for the review are available online and the handbook outlining the procedural arrangements for the review is also available online 

“The external review process provides an opportunity for each ETB to evaluate and reflect on the effectiveness of its quality assurance system”


The Quality Assurance
Journey in FET