A Brief Introduction to Kilkenny and Carlow ETB

Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board (KCETB) was established on 1 July 2013 under the Education and Training Boards Act 2013. In March 2016, training services transferred to KCETB under the Further Education and Training Act 2013.

KCETB serves the counties of Kilkenny and Carlow, which have a combined population of 166,128 (Census, 2022). Its reach extends from Hacketstown in north-east Carlow to Ferrybank in south Kilkenny, and from Graignamanagh across to Johnstown. KCETB provides a diverse range of services which encompass second-level education, further education and training, youth work, music generation and a broad range of support services for learners and communities.

KCETB services are focused on local communities with a range of schools/colleges and further education and training centres providing a diverse range of programmes. We support learners in reaching their potential and participating fully in their communities.

KCETB promotes a culture of learning for all and recognises the importance of its role within communities across its two counties. The learner is at the heart of everything we do as we strive for excellence in education, training and service delivery.

We are committed to high-quality outcomes for our learners and, as a learning organisation, believe that learning has the power to change lives and build communities. We strive to make that a reality for our learners at all times, supporting their endeavours and celebrating their successes.

Location of KCETB FET Provision
Further Education and Training (FET)
The needs of learners are met through KCETB’s broad range of full-time and part-time programmes which operate under its Further Education and Training Services (FET). Courses are provided from levels 1-6 on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ) and offer learners the opportunity to meet their personal learning needs and to upskill and reskill in order to meet the current and emerging needs of industry. KCETB now provide tertiary programmes with four degrees being offered. Currently the scope of provision is for face to face learning with a contingency for blended learning.

Full-time provision includes:
• Apprenticeships
• Bridging and Foundation Training
• Community Training Centres
• Post Leaving Certificate Courses
• Specific Skills Training
• Specialist Skill Training
• Specialist Training Providers
• Tertiary Degrees
• Traineeships
• Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme (VTOS)
• Youthreach

Part-time provision includes:
• Adult Literacy
• Back to Education Initiative
• Community Education
• Evening Training Courses
• FET Co-operation
• Skills to Advance
• Skills for Work

These programmes provide learning pathways for learner with a range of guidance and counselling supports available to assist them on their lifelong learning journey
This Quality Assurance (QA) Handbook provides guidance and information on quality assurance across Further Education and Training within KCETB. This Handbook includes all FET policies and procedures and is the core text for staff to familiarise themselves with. Information relating to these policies and procedures are presented in a learner-friendly manner in the the KCETB learner handbook.

The QA Handbook is a live document, requiring updates and amendments over time, subject to developments in the academic and professional environments, as well as local, national and global developments. Individual policies may be amended over time to reflect these developments, following approval by KCETB's Quality Assurance Oversight Committee.
KCETB, through its Statement of Strategy 2022-2026, promotes evaluation and quality improvement as a priority throughout the organisation. The FET Service is committed to quality assurance and enhancement across all its programmes and these are evaluated through the quality cycle as recommended by EQAVET2. This commitment is underpinned by the QA systems and governance structures. The management of quality is multi-layered, placing the learner at the centre with clear, distinct, layers of oversight which ensure a separation of duties between those who:
• develop policy at QA Team and Academic Commitee
• approve policy at Quality Assurance Oversight Committee (QAOC) level
• implement policy at centre level through centre managers and teaching staff

Ensuring that a fair, equitable and transparent framework is in place, which is implemented uniformly across all provision is crucial. Feedback from staff and learners as stakeholders is vital in informing quality standards, developments, and improvements. To develop a robust culture of quality in the organisation requires input from learners, staff and management. The holistic approach, which KCETB takes to the promotion of quality, places the learner at the centre and identifies the key roles of all stakeholder groups in the achievement of standards and quality outcomes.

Governance and Management of Quality

Governance and Management of Quality Policy
1. Introduction
2. Related Policies / Documents
3. KCETB’s Mission and Strategy
4. Governance and Management of Quality Assurance
5. The Documentation of Quality Assurance Policy and Procedures
6. Staff Recruitment, Management, and Development
7. Programme Development, Approval, and Submission for Validation
8. Access, Transfer, and Progression
9. Integrity and Approval of Learner Results
10. Information and Data Management
11. Public Information and Communications
12. Monitoring and Review
13. Supplementary Documents

Staff Recruitment, Management and Development

Staff Recruitment Policy
1. Purpose
2. Scope
3. Legal Framework
4. Principles of the Recruitment Process
5. Recruitment Process
6. Assessment Methods
7. Employment of Retirees or Employees on Career Breaks
8. Promotion Posts
9. Administrative Posts
10. Applicant Obligations
11. Data Protection
12. Review
The Director of FET oversees the FET Senior Management Team (SMT) which comprises of AEOs, Tertiary Manager, Training Services Manager, Assistant Training Services Manager, FET Principals and Deputy Principals. Each of the AEOs has responsibility for specific QA areas as well as a number of programmes within FET. The Training Services Manager has responsibility for all training provision across the two counties.

There is a clear reporting structure in place, with the SMT meeting with the Director of FET at scheduled intervals, these meetings are also attended by the CE. Monthly meetings are held with Co-ordinators to ensure oversight and support for staff across all provision by senior managers, and Co-ordinators have regular meetings with their staff groups. The PLC Principal and Deputy Principals also meet regularly with the Directors of FET.

There are clear lines of communication supported through these structures. The FET Forum which comprises of Senior Managers, including Centre Co-ordinators, PLC Principal and Deputy Principals, is chaired by the Director of FET and meetings are held at key intervals throughout the year to update all staff on strategic areas. The Chief Executive attends these meetings. The FET Staff management structure is outlined below:
Professional Development Policy
1. Introduction
2. Professional Development Policy Statement
3. What is Professional Development?
4.Who is Professional development for?
5. Different Types of Professional Development
6. Different Categories of Professional Development
7. Responsibilities for CPD identified by the Employer
8. Responsibilities for CPD identified by the Employee

Programme and Awards Approval and Review

Programme and Awards Approval and Review Policy
1. Glossary of terms used in programme approval and validation
1. Programme Approval Process Flow Chart
2. Introduction
3. Purpose
4. Existing Programmes
5. Types of Provision
6. Programme approval process
7. Availability of Programme and Module Descriptors
10. KCETB PAC (Programmes and Awards Committee)

Access, Transfer and Progression

The Access, Transfer and Progression Policy is currently out for consultation across all of our FET provision. It is due for issuing in Q1 2025.

While the admission process is broadly similar in centres (see Figure 10), centres must adhere to the operational guidelines set down for their programme when considering applications to participate on their programme. The FET PLC Colleges must also adhere to the Admissions Act 2018.
Figure 10 Admissions Process KCETB actively promotes courses, and provides information on courses for people contemplating starting, returning, or seeking to re-engage in education and training. The FET Service employs a wide variety of methods to advertise its provision.

Skills checks and interviews are conducted to ensure that the course meets the needs of the learner and is at the appropriate level. The Adult Education Guidance and Information Service (AEGIS) provides a key link between learners and centres and support learners in making informed choices around which course best suits their needs. The FET Service actively recruits a diverse range of learners ensuring access for learners from lower socio-economic backgrounds, recent immigrants, early school leavers, learners with disabilities and learners recovering from substance misuse to courses. KCETB strives to meet the needs of a diverse range of learners by using a variety of teaching methods and strategies to help all learners achieve success. Information and guidance in relation to RPL, including learning that has been certified or the accreditation of experiential learning, is outlined in the KCETB policy "Recognition of Prior Learning"

The also plays a central role in ensuring learners are supported on their journey. This service is open to learners across all provision and adults wishing to assess their educational options. This is an important part of identifying opportunities suitable for individual learners when planning progression.

Learners are informed about progression opportunities throughout their studies. Progression pathways can be internal (within FET provision from one programme to another) and external (to other institutions). The newly established South East Technological University (SETU) is an option for learners as a progression route. A progression agreement is in place between SETU and KCETB. This agreement provides opportunities for learners to obtain advanced entry in line with specific entry requirements into a specified number of reserved places on particular programmes either into Year 1 or in some cases Year 2 of these courses. Guidance services, whether delivered in PLC colleges or through the support of the AEGIS provide significant supports around progression options for learners.
Policy for the Recognition of Prior Learning(RPL)
1. Introduction
2. Policy Statement
3. Principles
4. Roles and Responsibilities
5. RPL Overview
6. Previously Achieved QQI CAS Awards
7. Exemptions
8. Recognition of Prior Certified Learning (RPCL)
9. Recognition of Prior Experiential Learning (RPEL)
10. RPL tracker
11. Information for learners
12. Work Placement
13. Supplementary Documents

Information and Data Management

PLSS Learner Management Information System Policy
1. Introduction
2. Policy Statement
3. Related Policies / Documents
4. Overview of Programme and Learner Support System (PLSS)
5. Flow Chart
6. Learner Management Information System Access Control
7. Local Business Process
8. Scheduling and Management of FET Provision
9. Learner Inputs – Applications and Registrations
10. Learner Outputs – Completions and Certifications
11. Learner Outcomes – Progressions and Employments
12. Applicant and Learner Lifecycle Progression
13. FETCH Learner Accounts
14. Reporting and Returns
15. System Support Requests
16. Retention of Data
17. Data Protection
18. Monitoring and Review
19. Supplementary Documents / Appendix
Programme Data Analytics Policy
1. Introduction
2. Scope of Policy
3. Policy Statement
4. Related Policies
5. Learner Information Systems and Data Reliability
6. Data Sets and Indicators
7. Procedure
8. Outline procedure for analysing data
9. Other sources of Data
Data Processing Policy
1. General
2. Personal Data and legal basis
3. Recipients of the personal data
4. Third country/international transfers
5. Automated Decision Making/Profiling
6. Record Retention
7. Your rights
8. Contact our DPO
KCETB Data protection processes and policies are managed in line with ETB policies, for more information please click here

Public Information and Communication

KCETB publishes key information with reference to programme delivery, QA policies, procedures, and governance. The KCETB website is the main repository for public information for all sections of the organisation.

KCETB Website
Ensuring staff, learners, stakeholders, and the general public have access to up-to-date relevant information is important to ensuring the communication of the QA message. All public facing non centre specific QA information is available on the QA section of the KCETB website which was launched in August 2020. This is now the main repository for KCETB QA publications and information.
Click here to access the KCETB website
All internal QA information and documentation is shared on the staff portal link on the www.kcetbqa.ie home page and is hosted on SharePoint. This portal contains the following information:
• Copies of module descriptors specific to the programmes delivered in each centre
• Information on previous Professional Development, including recordings of training sessions, presentations, and associated notes
• PLSS updates and Naming Conventions guidelines
• Authentication information with reference to EA bookings and alternative assessment processes and procedures
• Tertiary Programmes
It also hosts a feedback channel whereby staff can provide feedback on policies, procedures, and processes.

The QA newsletter is another key source of information in respect of QA updates.
Ensuring that learners are communicated with, in a clear, consistent manner is aligned to KCETB's mission and vision. Learners have access to the QA website and the QA newsletter. Many centres also have their own websites where information is shared, with links made to the KCETB site. Additionally, information is made available to learners through Moodle, leaflets, learner handbooks, learner portal, FETCH courses, social media and email.

Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning Policy
1. Rationale
2. Responsibilities
3. Programme Planning
4. A Practical Guide to Structuring Lessons
5. Professional Development
6. Self-evaluation, Reflection and Mentoring

Assessment of Learners

Quality Assurance Policies and Procedures for the Fair and Consistent Assessment of Learners Policy
1. Introduction
2. Assessment Planning
3. Role of the Internal Assessor
4. Communication of Assessment Policy Information to Learners
5. Assessment Deadlines
6. Reasonable Accommodation
7. Compassionate Consideration
8. Assessment Feedback
9. Secure Storage
10. Examinations: Planning, Conducting, Concluding and Correcting
11. Authentication Processes
12. Results Approval Panel
13. Assessment Process Appeals
14. Assessment Results Appeals
15. Requesting Certification
16. List of Documents/Forms
Repeats Policy
1. Introduction
2. Policy Statement
3. Scope
4. Information
5. Grounds for Repeating an Assessment
6. Repeats Procedures
7. Related Forms
Work Placement Policy
1. Introduction
2. Policy Statement
3. Purpose of document
4. Work Placement, Work Experience & Work-based Learning
5. Planning for Work Placement
6. Monitoring and Assessment of learners
7. Role of the Work Placement Internal Assessor
8. Work Placement requirements for QQI Awards
9. Recognition of Prior Learning for Work Experience / Work Practice
10. Standards of Professional Conduct for Learners on Work Placement
11. Eligibility for Support with Travel Costs whilst on Work Placement
12. Insurance Cover
13. Documentation

Support for Learners

The challenges associated with meeting the diverse range of learner needs in FET has to be acknowledged. To support the principles of fairness and consistency, KCETB provides support and funding to learners across all provision and specific centres partner with each other to work collaboratively. To enhance learner supports a Learner Support Portal has been developed which provides supports around the registration with support services, IT, academic writing, learner wellbeing and key information regarding additional supports. This is being developed by the Learner Support and Well being Co-ordinator.
The portal includes information such as:
• Learner Support Service
• Academic Skills (Assessments, Assignments, Study and Exams)
• IT Support
• Wellbeing
• FET Guidance Service
• FET Centre Information

The types of supports available and how to access them are explained to learners at induction sessions. This is supplemented throughout the programme by teaching staff who remind learners what is available, especially if they identify particular individual needs.
In accordance with the Equal Status Act 2000 (Section 4), Kilkenny and Carlow Education and Training Board will provide Reasonable Accommodation to meet the needs of learners who have a disability (Government of Ireland, 2000).

In the context of assessment, reasonable accommodation is the term for the adaptation of assessment, as necessary, to cater for the needs of learners whose personal situation means that the assessment would otherwise be unfair.

Information regarding the procedures for accessing reasonable accommodation for assessment are made available to learners at the point of application to a programme. Personnel with responsibilities in relation to reasonable accommodations are identified as part of the centre’s information on procedures to learners.

More information on reasonable accommodation can be found in KCETB's Assessment Policy or through this short clip below:
The Adult Guidance Service offers managed counselling provision to learners. The scope of the counselling may range from addiction and art therapy to personal support. This is to assist learners who are facing challenges and need support to overcome or learn to cope with difficulties that are blocking the learner’s progress. Personal advocacy supports are available in some centres, specifically assisting in areas such as housing, medical cards, school placements for children newly arrived in Ireland, etc.
To facilitate learners to engage in their studies KCETB have approximately 530 learner devices available for learners across all FET provision. The process for applying for one of these devices is managed by the PD & TEL office through a defined application process with specific eligibility criteria.
The FET service in KCETB is committed to supporting the vision and mission of our organisation by developing and leading the integrated delivery of a high-quality, learner centred FET service for all learners. We are committed to ensuring that the learner is at the centre of all FET provision. Providing learners with a range of opportunities and methods of giving feedback on their learning experience and having their voice heard is an integral element of this process. Developing consistent approaches to learner feedback and attending to the learner voice across all or our FET centres is crucial in informing standards, developments and improvements.

Learner Feedback
Learner Course Feedback forms have been designed and developed by KCETB. As part of the development process every effort was made to acknowledge the diversity of the FET learner and to produce a form which could be used by all learners. The suite of forms include:
•Learner End of Course Feedback Form 1 (for courses with a duration of 14 weeks and over leading to certification)
•Learner End of Course Feedback Form 2 (for courses of less than 14 weeks duration leading to certification and for all uncertified courses)
•Learner Mid-Course Feedback Form (for courses with a duration of 33 weeks and over leading to certification)
•Learner Exit Feedback Form

Learner Voice
Learner voice events are held to capture the learner voice through in-person events where focus group discussions take place, and at which learners have the opportunity to reflect on their experiences in their FET courses. These events aim to ensure learners are given a safe space to share their voice.
Other supports offered to learners include educational needs assessments, psychological assessment, dyslexia screening, assistance with applications for SUSI grant funding and the provision of assistive technology, where needed, through both the Adult Guidance Service and Learner Support Service. A full range of examination accommodations (e.g., separate centres, readers, scribes, extra time, rest breaks, use of recording and IT equipment) are available following an application for reasonable accommodation from learners. The process for this is outlined in the Assessment Policy. Resources such as handbooks on academic writing and referencing are also available to learners through the Learner Support Portal.

Self Evaluation, Monitoring and Review

Self Evaluation Monitoring and Review Policy
1. Introduction
2. Policy Statement
3. Related Policies / Documents
4. Quality Assurance Self-evaluation
5. Quality Assurance Monitoring
6. Quality Assurance Review
7. Programme Monitoring and Review
8. Oversight, Monitoring and Review of Relationships with External/Third Parties

Blended Learning

This policy is in the process of a review
Blended Learning Policy
1.0 Introduction
2.0 Policy Statement
3.0 Purpose of document
4.0 Organisational context
5.0 Centre and Programme context
6.0 Learner experience context

Academic Integrity

Academic Integrity Policy
1. Introduction
2. Policy Statement
3. Related Policies, Documents and Guidelines
4. Expectations of staff
5. Expectations of Learners
6. Mitigating Risks to Academic Integrity
7. Threats to Academic Integrity
8. Assessment Malpractice
9. Quality Assurance Academic Integrity Monitoring
Research Integrity Policy
1. Purpose
2. Scope
3. Policy
4. Procedure
5. Monitoring and Review
6. Forms

Other parties involved in education and training

KCETB FET Service has formed solid working relationships with many statutory, non-statutory agencies and stakeholders at both local and national levels and with a variety of employers, voluntary providers and community groups.

Kilkenny and Carlow ETB has Memoranda of Understanding with the DSP, Local Enterprise Offices, Local Libraries and is represented on, and engaged with, a wide range of organisations such as Leader Groups, Local Community Development Committees, Ireland Southeast Action Plan for Jobs, South East Regional Skills Forum, County Childcare Committees, Family Resource Centres, Chambers of Commerce and each Local Drugs Task Force, with whom we collaborate to identify and address local employment and educational needs. Other provider relationships exist through the contracted training provision undertaken on behalf of the Training Services, and funding agreements are in place with Community Training Centres, Local Training Initiatives and the National Learning Network.

One of KCETBs strategic priorities is to work in partnership with key stakeholders in the Kilkenny and Carlow region and at national level. To this end, KCETB’s FET Service is involved with an extensive network of partners at national and regional levels and collaborates with a range of local public bodies, voluntary and community organisations.

Collaborate Provision Policy
1. Introduction
2. Policy Statement
3. Scope of Policy
4. Responsibilities for Implementation
5. Other Relevant Policies and Procedures
6. Indicative Areas for Entering into Partnerships
7. Process for Developing and Progressing Collaborative Partnerships
8. Communication and Information to learners
9. Monitoring and Review of this policy
10. Monitoring Evidence of implementation