The TLA Working group (formally the Assessment Working Group) was convened in October 2018 with the following objectives:

  • To co-ordinate the review and development of new assessment policy and procedures in line with best practice.​
  • To create a comprehensive assessment policy and procedures document applicable across all levels and all forms of KCETB FET provision and cognisant of all awarding bodies.

Once the Terms of Reference were established, a collation of literature and resources was reviewed. Throughout 2019 and into 2020 assessment policies and procedures were created.

As part of the review process, consideration was given to all aspects of assessment including:

  • Assessment Planning/Role of the Internal Assessor​
  • Communication with Learners​
  • Assessment Deadline Regulations​
  • Reasonable Accommodation​
  • Compassionate Consideration​
  • Feedback to Learners
  • Assessment Malpractice​

Membership of the TLA working group includes:

  • 2 x PLC Deputy Principals
  • QA Officer
  • Adult Education Officer
  • 2 Full Time Provision Teachers
  • Adult Literacy Organsier
  • PD & TEL Co-ordinator

Integrity, Consistency, and Security of Assessment

The assessment and authenticity of results is paramount in ensuring all learners have equality of access and opportunity to attain the required skills and knowledge to progress in their education/employment journey. The move away from 9 legacy agreements and a diverse approach to assessment across provision was identified as a key priority in the 2017 Executive Self Evaluation Report (ESER). The KCETB Assessment Policy was developed by the Assessment Working Group in response to this priority and is central to teaching, learning and assessment processes and procedures across provision. Further information on the policies developed can be found in Section 1 (c). The key benefit of this policy is that it provides a consistent approach to the assessment, authentication and results approval processes for teaching staff, learners, support staff and management across all provision. The content of the policy is displayed in the figure below.